Are You Prepared for a Potential Fire?
Contact us for fire alarm inspections and repairs
Once a fire ignites, it spreads rapidly, destroying everything in its path. You don't have a lot of time to react before the flames grow out of control. The only defense you have against a raging fire is your alarm system, so make sure it's working properly.
Reach out to the team at Freedom Southwest LLC for an annual compliance inspection. We'll conduct tests to ensure that all the components of your nonproprietary system are in working order. If we identify any problems that could compromise the entire fire alarm system, we'll make the necessary repairs.
Make sure you have enough time to react if your commercial property catches on fire by calling our team for an inspection.
Why should you schedule regular inspections?
Your fire alarm stands guard 24/7, so maintaining your system should be a top priority. Here's why we recommend calling us for routine inspections:
It will give you peace of mind
It saves you money on future repairs
It can save lives if a fire ever does break out
Your insurance company will pay for damage if your alarms are inspected
Don't risk your safety with a faulty fire alarm system - call our team for a free consultation.